Maybe it’s art; maybe it’s just a bit of fun

Cityscapes and Sketchpads: My Foray into Urban Sketching

An adventure from my desk

Bev G 🧙‍♀️
5 min readFeb 20, 2023


Scrivener’s Books. Image created by author.

Love art; hate drawing. That’s always been my perspective (s’cuse the pun). I love splashing watercolours around, sticking bits of collage in, scribbling around the page with pens, crayons, and markers. I’m into mixed media and trying new ways of, well, splodging. Recently, however, I’ve been drawn (sorry again) into the world of urban sketching, which, unfortunately for me, involves a lot of drawing. It’s all about the drawing.

What is Urban Sketching?

Couldn’t be arsed to describe it so got our new AI friend, Chatty, to do it for me.

“Urban sketching is a charming form of art that involves capturing the unique and captivating features of various locations through sketching or painting on site. While it’s often associated with urban environments, urban sketching can be done in a wide range of settings, including rural areas, small towns, parks, and even indoor spaces. Whether you’re surrounded by the bustling energy of a city or the peaceful tranquility of a rural landscape, urban sketching offers a wonderful way to document and appreciate the beauty of your surroundings.



Bev G 🧙‍♀️

Mama of three grown children and six dogs. Generally a bit weird. Lives in Wales, UK.